1. Jordan, H.F., M.S. Beriten, N.S. Arenstorf and A.V. Ramann, “Force User’s Manual: A Portable Parallel FORTRAN,” NASA CR-4265, January 1990.
2. Agarwal, T.K., O.O. Storaasli and D.T. Nguyen, “A Parallel-Vector Algorithm for Rapid Structural Analysis on High-Performance Computers,” Proceedings of the 31stStructures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, Long Beach, California, pp.662-672, April 1990.
3. CRAY, “Mini Manual,” CR-1, NASA, March 1989.
4. Hughes, T.J.R.,The Finite Element Method,Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1987.
5. Mei, C. and C.E. Gray, Jr., “A Finite Element Method for Large Amplitude Two-Dimensional Panel Flutter at Hypersonic Speeds,” “Proceedings of the 30thStructures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, Mobile, Alabama, pp.37-51, April 1989. Also to appear inAIAA Journal(1991).