1. Acevedo, H. F.., Slifkin, M., Pouchet, G. R., and Rakhshan, M., 1977, Identification of the 6-subunit of choriogonadotropin (CG) in human spermatozoa, in The Testis in Normal and Infertile Men, P. Troen and H. R. Nankin, ed., pp. 185–192, Raven Press, N.Y.
2. Acevedo, H. F., Slifkin, M., Pouchet, G. R., and Rakhshan, M., 1978a, Human chorionic gonadotropin in cancer cells. I. Identification in in vitro and in vivo cancer cell systems, in Detection and Prevention of Cancer, Part 2, Vol. I, H. E. Nieburns, ed., pp. 937–963, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York.
3. Acevedo, H. F., Slifkin, M., Pardo, M., and Pouchet, G. R., 1978b, Choriogonadotropin (CG)-like antigen in rat prostatic carcinoma: Immunohistochemical detection and fine structure studies, Prog. 3rd Internatl. Conf. on Differentiation and Neoplasia, Minneapolic, MN, Aug. 28-Sept. 1, Abst. 124.
4. Acevedo, H. F., Slifkin, M., Pouchet, G. R., and Pardo, M., 1978c, Immunohistochemical localization of a choriogonadotropin-like protein in bacteria isolated from cancer patients, Cancer 41: 1217.
5. Acevedo, H. F., Slifkin, M., Pouchet-Melvin, G. R., and Campbell-Acevedo, E. A., 1979, Choriogonadotropin-like antigen in the anaerobic bacterium, Eubacterium Zentum, isolated from rectal tumor, Infection and Immunity 24:920.