1. L. H. C. Tippett. The Methods of Statistics. 4th edn., Wiley, New York, 1952, p. 176.
2. Lancelot, Hogben, Chance and Choice by Cardpack and Chessboard Parrish, London. 1955, p. 559.
3. Harold Hotelling, “The Impact of R. A. Fisher on Statistics.” Journal of the American Statistical Association. 46. No. 243 (March 1951). 35–46.
4. T. A. Bancroft, “George W. Snedecor, Pioneer Statistician,” The American Statisticiani, 28. No. 3 (August 1974), 108 - 109.
5. F. Yates. “Sir Ronald Fisher and the Design of Experiments,” Biometrics. 20 (June 1964), 307–315.