1. A. A. Albert, “On Jordan Algebras of Linear Transformations,” Trans. Am. Math. Soc., 59, 524–555, 1946
2. A. A. Albert, “A Structure Theory for Jordan Algebras,” Ann. Math., 48, 546–567, 1947
3. A. A. Albert, “A Theory of Power-associative Commutative Algebras,” Trans. Am. Math. Soc., 69, 503–527, 1950.
4. It is shown by Albert, in “A Theory of Power-associative Commutative Algebras,” p. 523, that every finite-dimensional simple Jordan algebra has an identity.
5. See the author’s “General Representation Theory of Jordan Algebras,” Trans. Am. Math. Soc., 70, 509–530, 1951; “Structure of Alternative and Jordan Bimodules,” Osaka Math. J., 6, 1–71, 1954.