1. Bruggeman TM, Wood JG, Davenport HW: Local control of blood flow in the dog’s stomach: Vasodilation caused by acid back-diffusion following topical application of salicylic acid. Gastroenterology
77:736–44, 1979. An important study on the mechanism of acid-induced mucosal vasodilation. It emphasizes the vasodilatory role of histamine when the mucosal barrier is broken with salicylic acid.
2. Cheung LY, Ashley SW: Gastric blood flow and mucosal defense mechanisms. Clin Invest Med
10: 201–208, 1987. A good recent review covering techniques of mucosal blood flow measurement and emphasizing the importance of adequate mucosal blood flow in a clinical context.
3. Enerbäck L: Mast cells in rat gastrointestinal mucosa. Acta Pathol Immunol Microbiol Scand [A] 66: 289–302, 1966. A classic paper describing the existence and unusual properties of gastrointestinal mucosal mast cells.
4. Gannon B, Browning J, O’Brien P, et al: Mucosal microvascular architecture of the fundus and body of human stomach. Gastroenterology
86:866–75, 1984. Together with a 1982 companion study on the rat gastric microvasculature, some important morphological observations emphasizing anatomical aspects of local bicarbonate transport from parietal cells to superficial epithelial cells.
5. Gerkens JF, Shand DG, Flexner C, et al: Effect of Indomethacin and aspirin on gastric blood flow and acid secretion. J. Pharmacol Exp Ther
203:646–652, 1977. A lucid study of the acute effects of systemic cyclo-oxygenase inhibition on key cardiovascular and gastric parameters.