1. R. Schöllhorn, Angew. Chem. 92:1015 (1980) and references therein.
2. F. Levy, “Intercalated Layered Materials”, D. Reidel Publishing Comp. Dordrecht/Holland (1979) and references therein.
3. M.S. Whittingham and A.J. Jacobson, “Intercalation Chemistry”, Academic Press, New York (1982) and references therein.
4. J.E. Fischer, ref. (lb), p. 481 and references therein; N. Bartlett and B.W. McQuillan, ref. (lc), p. 19.
5. A.P. Mil’ner, Yu. R. Zabrodskii, V.M. Koshkin, V.V. Kukol’, E. B. Yagubskii, and G.D. Guseinov, Zh. Strukt. Khim. 21: 93 (1980).