1. Darmstadt report, 1982, Proc. Symp. Accelerator Aspects of Heavy Ion Fusion, GSI-82–8.
2. Gluckstern, R. L., Cooper, R. K., and Channell, P. J., 1985, Particle Accelerators, 16:125.
3. Gluckstern, R. L., Cooper, R. K., and Neri, F., to be published, “Cumulative Beam Breakup with a Distribution of Deflecting Mode Frequencies,” Proc. 1986 Linear Accelerator Conf., 2–6 June 1986, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center report, Palo Alto, CA.
4. Guy, F. W., and Wangler, T. P., to be published, “Numerical Studies of Emittance Exchange in 2-D Charged Particle Beams,” Proc. 1986 Linear Accelerator Conf., op. cit.
5. Hofmann, I. 1983, “Transport and discussing of High-Intensity Unneutralized Beams,” Adv. Electron, Electron Physics, Supl. 13C:9.