1. See TXRF reviews from the biannual TXRF Workshop series published by Spectrochimica Acta (Vol 44B, No. 5, 1989; Vol 46B, No. 10, 1991; Vol 48B, No. 2, 1993).
2. R. S. Hockett, “TXRF Semiconductor Applications,” Advances in X-Ray Analysis, Vol. 37, (Plenum Press, New York), 1994 (in publication).
3. R.S.Hockett,“TXRF Reference Standards: A Discussion,”Contamination Control and Defect Reduction in Semiconductor Manufacturing IIIedited by Dennis N. Schmidt,ECS Proceedings Vol.94–9,(The Electrochemical Society,Pennington,NJ)pp.323–338(1994)
4. K. Nishihagi, N. Yamashita, N. Fujino, K. Taniguchi, and S. Ikeda, “Impurity Analysis on Si Wafer Using Monochro-TREX,” Advances in X-Ray Analysis,Vol.34, (Plenum Press, New York) pp. 81–89 (1991).
5. T. Utaka and T. Arai, “Instrumentation for Total Reflection Fluorescent X-ray Spectrometry,” Advances in X-Ray Analysis, Vol. 35B, (Plenum Press, New York) pp. 933–940 (1992).