1. H. M. Ledbetter, Stainless-steel elastic constants at low temperatures: a review, in “Advances in Cryogenic Engineering,” Vol. 30, Plenum,New York (forthcoming).
2. H. M. Ledbetter, N. V. Frederick, and M. W. Austin, Elasticconstant variability in stainless steel 304, J. Appl Phys. 51: 305 (1980).
3. H. M. Ledbetter, Sound velocities and elastic constants of steels 304, 310, and 316, Metal Sci. 14: 595 (1980).
4. H. M. Ledbetter, Manganese contributions to the elastic constants of face-centered-cubic Fe-Cr-Ni stainless steels, submitted for publication.
5. H. M. Ledbetter and M. W. Austin, Elastic constants of polycrystalline austenitic stainless steels, in preparation.