1. Heidt, L. J., “Photochemistry,” McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York (I960), pp. 137–138.
2. “A HydrogEnergy Carrier: Volume II, Systems Analysis,” NASA-ASEE Systems Design Institute, NASA GRANT NGT 44-005-114, University of Houston, Johnson Space Center, Rice University (1973), pp. 39–41, 46–47.
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4. Fujishima, A., and K. Honda, “Electrochemical Photolysis of Water at a Semiconductor Electrode,” Nature, 238, July 7, 1972, pp. 37–38.
5. Krampitz, L. O., Dept. of Microbiology, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, Personal Communication, July 1973.