1. S.J. ARAKELOV, Families of algebraic curves with fixed degeneracies, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Mat. 35 (1971) pp. 1269–1293; translation Math USSR Izv. 5 (1971) pp. 1277–1302.
2. S. J. ARAKELOV, Intersection theory of divisors on an arithmetic surface, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Mat. 38 No. 6 (1974) pp. 1179–1192; translation Math. USSR Izv. 8 No. 6 (1974) pp. 1167–1180.
3. E. ARTIN, Quadratische Körper im Gebiete der höheren Kongruenzen, I and II, Math. Zeit. 19 (1924) pp. 153–246.
4. E. ARTIN and G. WHAPLES, Axiomatic characterization of fields by the product formula for valuations, Bull. AMS 51 (1945) pp. 469–492.
5. E. BOMBIERI, The Mordell conjecture revisited, preprint, 1990.