1. Joyce J. Kaufman, “Theoretical Considerations of Potential Energy Surfaces for Ion-Molecule Reactions,” Presented at the NATO Advanced Study Institute for Ion-Molecules, Biarritz, France, June 1974. In Interactions Between Ions and and Molecules, Ed. P. Ausloos, Plenum Press, New York, 1975, pp. 185–213.
2. Joyce J. Kaufman, “Extension of Symmetry and Spin Restrictions to Carry “Ghost” Information,” Presented at American Chemical Society, National Meeting, Division of Physical Chemistry, Chicago, August 1974.
3. Joyce J. Kaufman, “Extension of Symmetry and Spin Restrictions to Carry “Ghost” Information,” IX International Conference on the Physics of Electronic and Atom Collisions, Eds. J. Risley, R. Geballe, Seattle, July 1975, p. 586.
4. Joyce J. Kaufman, “Extension of Spin and Symmetry Restrictions to Carry “Ghost” Information,” Presented at the Second Summer Conference on Electronic Transition Lasers, Woods Hole, Mass., Sept. 1975. In Electronic Transition Lasers, Ed. J.I. Steinfeld, The Mass. Inst, of Technology, 1976, pp. 286–292.
5. Joyce J. Kaufman, “L-S and j-j Coupling Considerations in Some Ion-Molecule Reactions,” an invited lecture presented at the 9th Int. Hot Atom Symposium, Blacksburg, Va., 1977.