1. Barth, James R. 1990. Fabrication of Complex Composite Structures Using Advance Fiber Placement Technology. 35th Intern. SAMPE Symp., 2–5 April 1990.
2. Enders, Mark L. and Hopkins, Paul C. 1991. Developments in the Fiber Placement Process. 36th Intern. SAMPE Symp., April 1991.
3. Enders, Mark L. 1991. The Fiber Placement Process. Intern. Conf. Comp. Mater., (ICCM/8), July 1991.
4. Evans, Don O., Vaniglia, Milo M. and Hopkins, Paul C. 1989. Fiber Placement Process Study. 34th Intern. SAMPE Symp., 8–11 May 1989.
5. Evans, Don O. 1993. Design Considerations for Fiber Placement. 38th Intern. SAMPE Symp., 10–13 May 1993.