1. W.N. Schreiner and R. Jenkins, “RUNFIT — A Non-linear Least Squares Fitting Routine for Optimizing Empirical XRF Matrix Correction Models”, X-Ray Spectrometry (1978) to be published.
2. R. Jenkins, Y. Hahm, D. Myers, F.R. Paolini and W.N. Schreiner, Norelco Reporter, 24, 30 (1977).
3. H.J. Lucas-Tooth and C. Pyne, Advan. X-Ray Anal., 7, 523 (1964).
4. G.R. Lachance and R.J. Traill, Can. Spectros., 11, 43 (1966) and
5. G.R. Lachance and R.J. Traill, Can. Spectros., 11, 63 (1966).