1. G. L. Miller, private communication referenced in Llacer’s paper (Ref. 2 ) p. 99.
2. J. Llacer, “Geometric Control of Surface Leakage Current and Noise in Lithium Drifted Silicon Radiation Detectors”, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. NS-13, No. 1, p. 93 (1966).
3. W. Hansen and F. S. Goulding, “Leakage, Noise, Guard Rings and Resolution in Detectors”, Proceedings of Asheville Conference NAS-NRC Report No. 32, 202 (1961).
4. J. M. Jaklevic, R. D. Giauque, D. F. Malone and W. L. Searles, “Small X-ray Tubes for Energy Dispersive Analysis Using Semi conductor Spectrometers”, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Report No. LBL-10. Presented at the 20th Annual Denver X-ray Conference Aug. 11–13, 1971.
5. F. S. Goulding and J. M. Jaklevic, “Trace Element Analysis by X-ray Fluorescence”, Lawrence Radiation Laboratory Report No. UCRL-20625, Berkeley, California 94720.