1. F.S. Goulding and J.M. Jaklevic “Trace Element Analysis by X-ray Fluorescence” University of California Publication UCRL-202625 May 1971.
2. B.C. Giessen and G.C. Gordon “X-ray Diffraction: New High Speed Technique based on X-ray Spectrophotograph ” SCIENCE Volume 159 1968, Page 973.
3. A.P. Langheinrich, J.W. Forster and W.M. Tuddenham “Recent Applications of Energy Dispersion X-ray Spectrometry” Paper presented at 1969 Northwest Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Salt Lake City, Utah June 1969.
4. B.C. Giessen and G.C. Gordon “Recent Developments in Spectrometric Powder Diffractometry ” Norelco Reporter Volume 17, No. 2, 1970, Page 19.
5. R. Fitzgerald and P. Gantzel “X-ray Energy Spectrometry in the 0.1–10 R Range” American Society for Testing and Materials, Special Technical Publication No. 485, 1971.