1. N. G. J. Moseley, “The High Frequency Spectra of the Elements,” Phil. Mag. 26, 1024 (1913); 27, 703 (1914).
2. U. Fano, “Ionization Yield of Radiations. Il. The Fluctuations of the Number of Ions,” Phys. Rev. 72, 26 (1947).
3. Energy Dispersion X-Ray Analysis: X-Ray Probe and Electron Probe Analysis, J. C. Russ, coordinator, American Society for Testing and Ma terials, Special Technical Publication 485 (1971), contains more extensive information on solid-state spectrometers.
4. J. R. Rhodes, “Design and Application of X-Ray Emission Analyzers Using Radioisotope X-Ray or Gamma-Ray Sources,” in J.C. Russ, coordinator, op. cit., especially pages 245–255, gives information on source geometry and radioisotope selection.
5. F. S. Goulding and J. M. Jaklevic, “Trace Element Analysis by X-Ray Fluorescence,” UCRL-20625, UC-4 Chemistry, T ID-4500 (57th ed.), reports a similar technique using a transmission anode tube.