1. Computers and their Role in the Physical Sciences’, ed Fernbach and Taub, Gordon & Breach, New York-(1970).
2. Computers as a Language of Physics’, Seminar Course held at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, August 1971. IAEA Vienna (1972).
3. The Impact of Computers on Physics’, Comp. Phys. Commun. Vol.3 Suppl. (1972).
4. Methods in Computational Physics’, ed. Alder, Fernbach & Killeen (and previously by Rotenberg), Vol.1 (1963) - Vol. 17 ( 1977 ), Academic Press, New York.
5. Journal of Computational Physics’, ed. Alder, Fernbach & Killeen (and previously by Rotenberg), Vol.1 (1966) - Vol. 30 ( 1979 ), Academic Press, New York.