1. E. Frieden, Los Elementas Químicos de la Vida, in “Quimica y Ec6sfera”, Herman Blume Ediciones, Madrid, (1976).
2. F.G. Viets, “Soil Testing and Plant Analysis, Part II, Plant Analysis”, Soil Science Society of America, Inc., Publisher, Madison, Wisconsin, U.S.A. (1967).
3. R.A. Horne, “The Chemistry of Our Environment”, John Wiley & Sons, New York (1978).
4. A. Levinson, “Introduction to Exploration Geochemistry” Applied Publishing Ltd., Calgary (1974).
5. J. Kubota and V.A. Lazar, Routine X-Ray Emission Spectrographic Analysis of Common Forage Plants. In “Soil Testing and Plant Analysis, Part II, Plant Analysis”. Soil Science Society of America, Inc., Publisher, Madison, Wisconsin, U.S.A., 93 (1967).