1. W. Weibull, “A Statistical Theory of the Strength of Materials,” Ingeniorsvetenskapakademiens. Handlinger Nr. 151, 1939.
2. W. Weibull, “The Phenomenon of Rupture in Solids,” Ingeniorsvetenskapakademiens. Handlingar Nr. 153, 1939.
3. D.M. Shur, “Statistical Criteria of the Danger of Material Fracture in a Complex Stress State,” Mashinovedenie, No. 1, 197, pp. 51–58.
4. R.A. Barnett et al, “Fracture of Brittle Materials Under Transient Mechanical and Thermal Loading,” U.S. Air Force Flight Dynamics Laboratory, Report AFFDL-TR-66–220, March 1966.
5. A.M. Freudenthal, “Statistical Approach to Brittle Fracture,” Chap 6 of Vol. II, Fracture, edited by H. Liebowitz, Academic Press, 1968.