1. Freeman Associates Inc.;RC Abraham,1991a
2. Abraham, R. C. and Freeman, R. C. (1991b). “Computer Tape Outlook,” Vol. 1-Helical Scan Products, Vol. 2-Data Cassette and Data Cartridge Products, Vol. 3-Half-Inch Products. Freeman Associates Inc., 311 E. Carrillo Street, Santa Barbara, California 93101.
3. Anonymous. “Techniques for Slitting and Winding.” John Dusenbery Co., Inc., Randolph, New Jersey.
4. Anonymous (1997). “Unrecorded Magnetic Tape Cartridge for Information Exchange, 0.250 in., 1600 bpi, Phase Encoded.” ANSI X3.55–1977.
5. Disk Trend Inc.;Anonymous,1990