1. Technical Report ZW1965–018;P Emde Boas van,1965
2. Technical Report ZW1966–006;GE Strecker,1966
3. Technical Report ZW1966–019;GE Strecker,1966
4. George E. Strecker and E. Wattel. On semi-regular and minimal Hausdorff embeddings. Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Indag. Math., (29):234–237, 1967. (Zbl. 148.43004/5, MR 35#2261)
5. Johannes de Groot, George E. Strecker, and E. Wattel. The compactness operator in general topology. In General Topology and its Relations to Modern Analysis and Algebra, II (Proc. Second Prague Topological Sympos., 1966), pages 161–163. Academia, Prague, 1967. (Zbl. 165.25301, MR 38#657)