1. Mughabghab, S. F. and Garber, D. I., Neutron Cross-Sections, Vol. 1, Resonance Parameters, Brookhaven National Laboratory Report BNL 325, third edition, June, 1973.
2. Garber, D. I. and Kinsey, R. R., Neutron Cross-Sections, Vol. 2, Curves, Brookhaven National Laboratory Report, BNL325, third edition, January, 1976.
3. CINDA, An Index to the literature on Microscopic Neutron Data, published by IAEA, April 1976.
4. Poncelet, C. G., Ozer, O. and Harris, D. R., Proprietary, Standard and Government-supported Nuclear Data Bases, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory Report LA6023MS, August, 1975.
5. Pearlstein, S., Advances Nuclear Science & Technology, Vol. 8, pp 115–139, 1975.