1. M. C. Flemings, Solidification Processing, McGraw-Hill, New York (1974); good general description of solidification with emphasis on properties.
2. L. I. Rubenstein, The Stefan Problem, The American Mathematical Society, Providence, R.I. (1971); highly mathematical, but very comprehensive treatment of both the analytical and the computational aspects of solidification problems.
3. H. S. Carlsaw and J. S. Jaeger, Conduction of Heat in Solids, Chap. 11, Oxford University Press, New York (1959); an excellent source of analytical solutions for solidification problems.
4. J. Szekely and N. J. Themelix, Rate Phenomena in Process Metallurgy, Chap. 10, John Wiley, New York (1971); many metallurgical problems.
5. T. Goodman, in Advances in Heat Transfer, Vol. I, T. F. Irvine and J. P. Harnett, eds., Academic Press, New York (1964); good description of integral profile methods.