1. D. Mosher and R. K. Anderson, Composting Sewage Sludge by High-Rate Suction Aeration Techniques, 50 pp. USEPA Publ. SW-614D, Washington, D.C., 1977.
2. D. J. Ehreth, A. B. Hais, and J. M. Walker, in Composting of Municipal Residues and Sludges, p. 6, Information Transfer, Inc. Rockville, Maryland, 1977.
3. W. L. Gaby, Evaluation of Health Hazards Associated with Solid Waste/ Sewage Sludge Mixtures, USEPA Publ. EPA-670-2-75-023, Washington, D.C., 1975.
4. E. Spohn, Compost Sci. 18 (2), 14 (1977).
5. A. J. Howard, R. Soc. Arts
84, 25 (1935).