1. A. Yang and K. Mayaram, “Simulation and modeling: Stepping beyond SPICE”, IEEE Circuits and Devices, vol. 10, no. 3, p. 13, May 1994.
2. R.A. Rutenbar, “Analog design automation: where are we? where are we going?”, in Proc. IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, 1993, pp.13.1.1-13.1.8.
3. VHDL special issue of IEEE Design & Test of Computers magazine, April 1986.
4. IEEE Standard VHDL Language Reference Manual, IEEE Standard 1076-1993, SH16840, IEEE Press: Piscataway, NJ, 1993.
5. S. Krolikoski and J. Mermet, “The future of the IEEE VHDL Analysis and Standardization Group”, Proc. Euro-VHDL′91, Stockholm, September 1991, pp. 104–110.