1. Devine CJ, Angermeier KW. Anatomy of the penis and male perineum. Part I. AUA Update Series. 1994;13:10–23. Lesson 2.
2. Goldstein AM, Padma-Nathan H. The microarchitecture of the intracavernosal smooth muscle and the cavernosal fibrous skeleton. J Urol. 1990;244:1144–6.
3. Jordan GH. General concepts concerning the use of genital skin islands for anterior urethral stricture. AUA Update Series. 2000;19:66–71. Lesson 9.
4. Jordan GH, Schlossberg SM. Surgery of the penis and urethra. In: Wein AJ, editor. Campbell-Walsh urology. 9th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders Elsevier; 2007. p. 1023–97.
5. Jordan GH. Lower genitourinary tract trauma and male external genital trauma (anatomy, nonpenetrating injuries). Part I. AUA Update Series. 2000;19:74–9. Lesson 10.