1. N.A. Parlee, S. R. Seagle, and R. Schuhmann: Trans. T.M.S.-AIME, 212, 132. 8 (1958).
2. J. F. Elliott, M. Gleiser, and V. Ramakrishna: Thermochemistry for Steelmaking, Addison-Wesley, II, 548 (1963).
3. See, for example,T. B. King in Electric Furnace Steelmaking, Interscience II, 342 (1963).
4. R. L. McCarron and G. R. Belton, Trans. TMS-AIME, 245, 116–166 (1969).
5. F. A. Halden and W. D. Kingery: J. Phys. Chem 59, 557–50 (1955).