1. M. Morton, J. C. Healy and R. L. Denecour, Proceedings of the International Rubber Conference 1967, MacLaren and Sons, London, 1968, p. 175
2. M. Morton, J. C. Healy and R. L. Denecour,Appl. Polym. Symp., 7, 155 (1968).
3. M. Morton, J. L. Trout and T. C. Cheng, Proceedings of the International Rubber Conference, 1972, Institution of the Rubber Industry, London, p. G6–1
4. M. Morton, J. L. Trout and T. C. Cheng, Maurice Morton, Adv. in Chem. Series, No. 99, American Chemical Society, Washington, 1971, p. 490.
5. M. Morton, R. J. Murphy and T. C. Cheng, Colloques International du CNRS, No. 231 (1973), p. 3