1. C. Weitkamp, H.-J. Heinrich, W. Herrmann, W. Michaelis, U. Lenhard, R.-N. Schindler, Measurement of hydrogen chloride in the plume of incineration ships, 5th Int.Clean Air Congress, Oct.20–26, 1980, Buenos Aires.
2. D. Eppel, J. Häuser, A. Müller, Three-dimensional simulation model MODIS for the propagation of air pollutants, 5th Int.Clean Air Congress, Oct.20–26, 198o, Buenos Aires.
3. M. Benarie, How do tall stacks influence on long range transport, Proceedings of the l0. CCMS Int.Meeting on air pollution modelling and its applications, Oct.22–26, 1979, Rome.
4. M.J. Manton, On the dispersion of particles in the atmosphere, Boundary Layer Met. 17 (1979) 145–165.
5. M. Mulholland, Simulation of tracer experiments using a numerical model for point sources in a sheared atmosphere, Atm. 14 (1980) 1347–1360.