1. Plume Model Validation“, Electric Power Research Institute, EA-917-SY, Palo Alto, California, (October 1978).
2. Protocol for Plume Model Validation“, Electric Power Research Institute, EA-1638, Palo Alto, California, (November 1980).
3. Validation of Plume Models, Statistical Methods and Criteria“, Electric Power Research Institute, EA-1673-SY, Palo Alto, California, (January 1981).
4. Preliminary Results from the EPRI Plume Model Validation Project - Plains Site“, Electric Power Research Institute, EA. 1788, Palo Alto, California, (January 1981).
5. D.B. Turner, “Workbook of Atmospheric Dispersion Estimates”, Office of Air Programs, United States Environmental Protection Agency, No. AP-26, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, (January 1974).