Embolic Protection Devices


Moukarbel George V.,Sobieszczyk Piotr S.


Springer US

Reference7 articles.

1. Dubel GJ, Murphy TP. Distal embolic protection for renal arterial interventions. Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology 2008;31:14–22. ® This review article describes embolic protection devices used in renal interventions and succinctly discusses published outcomes in renovascular interventions with and without their use.

2. Roffi M, Mukherjee D. Current role of embolic protection devices in percutaneous coronary and vascular interventions. American Heart Journal 2009;157:263–70. ® This article outlines the stages in development of embolic ­protection devices and summarizes the rationale for their use in cerebrovascular, coronary and peripheral arterial interventions.

3. Cooper CJ, Haller ST, Colyer W, et al. Embolic protection and platelet inhibition during renal artery stenting. Circulation 2008;117:2752–2760. ® This is the only published randomized trial designed to evaluate the benefit of distal embolic protection and platelet inhibition in renovascular interventions.

4. Kastrup A, Groschel K, Krapf H, et al. Early outcome of carotid angioplasty and stenting with and without cerebral protection devices: a systematic review of literature. Stroke 2003; 34:813–9. ® This systematic literature review compared reported CAS outcomes with and without DEP and paved the way towards widespread acceptance of DEP in carotid interventions.

5. Clair DG, Hopkins LN, Mehta M, Kasirajan K, Schermerhorn M, Schonholz C, Kwolek CJ, Eskandari MK, Powell RJ, Ansel GM. Neuroprotection during carotid artery stenting using the GORE flow reversal system: 30-Day outcomes in the EMPiRE clinical study. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2011; 77:420–429. ® Proximal protection devices are the most recent addition to the armamentarium of carotid interventions. This trial describes procedural outcomes using the GORE flow reversal proximal protection system.

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