1. L. W. Kessler, “A review of progress and applications in acoustic microscopy,” J. Acoust. Soc. Amer., Vol. 55, pp. 909–918, 1974.
2. S. Sokolov, USSR Patent No. 49 (Aug. 31, 1936), British Patent No. 477 139, 1937, and U.S. Patent No. 21 64 125, 1939.
3. F. Dunn, and W. J. Fry, “Ultrasonic absorption microscope,” J. Acoust. Soc. Amer., Vol. 31, No. 5, pp. 632–633, May 1959.
4. J. Havlice, C. F. Quate, and B. Richardson, “Visualization of sound beams in quartz and sapphire near 1 GHz,” paper 1-4 presented to the 1967 IEEE Ultrason, Symp., IEEE Trans. Sonics Ultrason., Vol. SU-15, 68, 1968. See also (15) and (17).
5. H. V. Hance, J. K. Parks, and C. S. Tsai, “Optical imaging of a complex ultrasonic field by diffraction of a laser beam,” J. Appl. Phys. Vol. 38, pp. 1981–1983, 1967.