1. Bose, A.K., H. Fujiwara, E.J. Lazaro, and C. Spillert, 1976. Biomedical studies using ammonia as reagent gas in CI mass spectroscopy. Abstract of a paper presented at the 170th ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, California, August 1976.
2. Bose, A.K., H. Fujiwara, B.N. Pramanik, and M.S. Manhas, 1977. Negative ion chemical ionization mass spectroscopy — a convenient tool for biomedical studies. Abstract of a paper presented at the Joint Conference of ACS and CIC, Montreal, Canada, May 1977.
3. Dougherty, R.C., and K. Piotrowska, 1976. Multiresidue screening by negative chemical ionization mass spectrometry of organic poly chlorides. J. Ass. Offic. Anal Chem., 59: 1023–1027.
4. Hass, J.R., M.D. Friesen, and M.K. Hoffmann, 1977. Negative ion chemical ionization mass spectrometry of chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins. Workshop on Negative Ion Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina.
5. Fujiwara, H., A.K. Bose, and B.N. Pramanik, 1977. Positive and negative chemical ionization mass spectrometry for biomedical studies. Abstract of a paper presented at the 26th IUP AC, Tokyo, Japan, September 1977.