1. A. Baker, On the periods of the Weierstrass ℘-function, Symposia Mathematica, vol. IV (INDAM, Rome, 1968/69), Academic Press, New York, 1970, pp. 155–174.
2. A. Baker, An estimate for the ℘-function at an algebraic point, Amer. J. Math. 92 (1970), 619–622. MR 43 #7409.
3. E. Bombieri, Algebraic values of meromorphic maps, Invent. Math. 10 (1970), 267–287. MR 46 #5328.
4. J. Coates, An application of the division theory of elliptic functions to diophantine approximation, Invent. Math. 11 (1970), 167–182. MR 44 #3963.
5. J. Coates, Linear forms in the periods of the exponential and elliptic functions, Invent. Math. 12 (1971), 290–299. MR 45 #3330.