1. Cupola Handbook, 4th ed, American Foundrymens’ Soc., Des Plaines, IL, 1975, 290
2. F. Meister, “Zur Schlackenbildung im Kupolofen” (“Slag Formation in Cupola Furnaces”), Giessereitechnik, 25, No. 10 (1979),296–300
3. N.E. Rambush and G. B. Taylor, “A New Method of Investigating the Behaviour of Charge material in an Iron‐Foundry Cupola and Some Results Obtained,” Foundry Trade Journal, Nov. 8, 1945, 197–212
4. J.P. Morris and P. L. Woolf, “Examination of an Experimental Iron Blast Furnace After Quenching with Nitrogen,” Report of Investigations 6217, Bureau of Mines, United States Dept. of the Interior, 1963
5. Cupola Handbook, 4th ed, American Foundrymens’ Soc., Des Plaines, IL (1975), 474,478,489