1. L. da Vinci. Codex of the Eye, Manuscript D (circa 1508). For translation and illustrations, see H.W, Hofstetter and R. Graham, Leonardo and contact lenses, Amer. J. Optom. 30(l):41–44 (1953).
2. W. Feinhloom, A plastic contact lens, in: “Transcript of 15th Annual American Academy of Optometry Meeting,” 10:37–44, Chicago (1936).
3. J.E. Mullen. “Contact Lens,” U. S. Patent 2,237,744 (1938).
4. L. Lester Beacher. “Contact Lens Technique,” Third ed., pp. 92–105, New York Contact Lens Research Laboratories, New York (1944).
5. N. Bier. “Method for Contact Lens Fenestration,” U.K. Patent 592,055 (1943).