1. Cecchini, G., Farinelli, U., Gandini, A. and Salvatores, M., A/Conf. 28/P 627, Geneva, 1964. See also Humi, M., Wagschal, J. J. and Yeivin, Y., “Multi-Group Constants from Integral Data,” Proceedings Third International Conference, Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy 2, Pages 398–402, 1964.
2. Salvatores, M., “Recent Developments in Cross-Section Adjustment Procedures,” Proceedings of an American Nuclear Society Topical Meeting, Advances in Reactor Physics, Page 269, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, April, 1978.
3. Rowlands, J., et al, “The Production and Performance of the Adjusted Cross-Section Set FGL5,” Proceedings International Symposium, Physics of Fast Reactors, Tokyo, 1973.
4. Chaudat, J. P., Barré, J. Y. and Khairallah, A., “Improvements of the Predicted Characteristics of Fast Power Reactors from Integral Experiments, ” Proceedings International Symposium, Physics of Fast Reactors, Tokyo, 1973.
5. Kuroi, H. and Mitani, H., “Adjustment to Cross-Section Data to Fit Integral Experiments by Least Squares Method,” Journal Nuclear Science Technology 12, Page 663, 1975.