1. Bratko, I., Kononenko, I. (1986). Learning diagnostic rules from incomplete and noisy Data. AI Methods in Statistics, Proceedings of the UNICOM seminar, London. [Also in Interactions in AI and Statistics (B. Phelps, Ed.). Gower Technical Press (1987).]
2. Cestnik, B., Kononenko, I., & Bratko, I. (1987). ASSISTANT 86: A knowledge elicitation tool for sophisticated users. In I. Bratko & N. Lavrac (Eds.),Progress in Machine Learning. Wilmslow, England: Sigma Press.
3. Clark, P., & Niblett, T. (1987). Induction in noisy domains. In I. Bratko & H. Lavrac (Eds.), Progress in machine learning. Wilmslow, England: Sigma Press.
4. Kodratoff, Y. (1987). Is AI a sub-field of computer science—or is AI the science of explanations? In I. Bratko & N. Lavrac (Eds.), Progress in machine learning. Wilmslow, England: Sigma Press.
5. Kononenko, I., Bratko, I., & Roskar, E. (1984). Experiments in automatic learning of medical diagnostic rules. International School for the Synthesis of Expert Knowledge Workshop, Bled, Yugoslavia.