1. References concerning silicon detectors before 1966 can be found for instance in: G. Dearnaley and D.C. Northrop “Semiconductor Counters for Nuclear Radiation”. Spon — London 1966.
2. G. Bellini, M. Di Corato, P.F. Manfredi and G. Vegni — Nucl. Inst. and Methods 107 (1973), 85.
3. Evidence for DD̄ diffractive Photoproduction and future plans. Status report on NA1 experimental — CERN/SPSC/80–85, 5th September 1980 Evidence for DD̄ diffractive Photoproduction off Silicon. Talk delivered by E. Bertolucci at XX Int. Conf. on High Energy Physics. Madison (Wisconsin) — USA — 16–20 July 1980.
4. Semiconductor telescope as a high resolution vertex detector. Talk delivered by L. Bosisio at II Vézélay Workshop on EHS — 5th March 1980 — CERN/EP/EHS/PH 80–2. S.R. Amendolia, G. Batignani, E. Bertolucci, L. Bosisio, C. Bradaschia, M. Budinich, F. Fidecaro, L. Foà, E. Focardi, A. Giazotto, M.A. Giorgi, M. Givoletti, P.S. Marrocchesi, A. Menzione, D. Passuello, M. Quaglia, L. Ristori, L. Rolandi, P. Salvadori, A. Scribano, A. Stefanini and M.L. Vincelli — Nucl. Inst. and Methods 170 (1980), 449.
5. S.R. Amendolia, G. Batignani, F. Bedeschi, E. Bertolucci, L. Bosisio, C. Bradaschia, M. Budinich, F. Fidecaro, L. Foà, E. Focardi, A. Giazotto, M.A. Giorgi, M. Givoletti, P.S. Marrocchesi, A. Menzione, D. Passuello, M. Quaglia, L. Ristori, L. Rolandi, P. Salvadori, A. Scribano, R. Stanga, A. Stefanini and M.L. Vincelli — Nucl. Inst. and Methods 176 (1980), 457.