1. For an overview of supersymmetry model-building, see the lectures of S. Ferrara, this volume.
2. Other reviews include H. Haber and G. Kane, Michigan preprint UMHE-TH-83–17 (1984), to appear in Phys. Rep.
3. H. Nilles, Geneva preprint UGVA-DPT 12–412 (1983), to appear in Phys. Rep. Early work is reviewed in P. Fayet, Unification of the Fundamental Particle Interactions, Erice, ed. S. Ferrara, J. Ellis and P. Van Nieuwenhuizen ( Plenum Press, New York, 1980 ).
4. P. DiVecchia and S. Ferrara, Nucl. Phys. B130 (1977) 93
5. E. Witten, Phys. Rev. D16 (1977) 2991