1. Jones, R.A. 1978. Release of Phosphate from Dredged Sediment, Ph.D. dissertation, University of Texas at Dallas.
2. Jones, R.A., and G.F. Lee. 1978. Evaluation of the elutriate test as a method of predicting contaminant release during open water disposal of dredged sediment and environmental impact of open water dredged material disposal, Vol. I: Discussion, Technical Report D-78-45,U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Miss.
3. Lee, G.F., and R.A. Jones. 1977. An assessment of the environmental significance of chemical contaminants present in dredged sediments demped in the New York Bight, Environmental Engineering, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Occasional Paper No. 28.
4. Lee, G.F., and R.A. Jones. 1979. Application of the OECD eutrophication modeling approach to estuaries. Presented at International Symposium in Nutrient Enrichment in Estuaries, Williamsburg, Virginia.
5. Lee, G.F., M. Piwoni, J. Lopez, G. Mariani, J. Richardson, D. Homer, and F. Saleh. 1975. Research study for the development of dredged material disposal criteria. Technical Report D-75-4, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, WES, Vicksburg, Miss.