1. D. J. Godfrey and E. R. W. May, “The Resistance of Silicon Nitride Ceramics to Thermal Shock and other Hostile Environments11 in Ceramics in Severe Environments”, Ed. W.W. Kriegel and Hayne Palmour III, Plenum Press, New York (1971), 149.
2. D. J. Godfrey, “Silicon Nitride Ceramics for Engineering Applications”, Trans SAE, 83; (2): 1036 (1974)
3. B. D. Gibson and R. B. Stone, Private Communication.
4. D. A. Parker and R. F. Smart, “An Evaluation of Silicon Nitride Diesel Pistons”, Proc. Brit. Ceram. Soc. 26: 167 (1978)
5. D. J. Godfrey, “The Performance of Ceramics in the Diesel Engine”, in “Ceramics for High Performance Applications — II”, Ed. J. J. Burke, A.E. Gorum and R. N. Katz, Brook Hill Publ. Co., Chestnut Hill (1978), 877.