1. L. Adams and H. Jordan. Is SOR color-blind? SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comp, 6: 490–506, 1985.
2. L. Adams and J. Ortega. A multi-color SOR Method for Parallel Computers. In Proceedings 1982 Int. Conf. Par. Proc., pages 53–56, 1982.
3. L. M. Adams. Iterative algorithms for large sparse linear systems on parallel computers. PhD thesis, Applied Mathematics, University of Virginia, Charlottsville, VA, 22904, 1982. Also NASA Contractor Report 166027.
4. E. C. Anderson. Parallel implementation of preconditioned conjugate gradient methods for solving sparse systems of linear equations. Technical Report 805, CSRD, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, 1988. MS Thesis.
5. E. C. Anderson and Y. Saad. Solving sparse triangular systems on parallel computers. Technical Report 794, University of Illinois, CSRD, Urbana, IL, 1988.