1. Ammarell G (1987) Sky calendars of the Indo-Malay archipelago. In: Swarup G, Bag AK, Shukla KS (eds) History of oriental astronomy, IAU Colloquium 91. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp 241–247
2. Ammarell G (1988) Sky calendars of the Indo-Malay archipelago: regional diversity, local knowledge. Indonesia 45:85–104
3. Monograph series;G Ammarell,1999
4. Ammarell G (2005) The planetarium and the plough: interpreting star calendars of rural Java. In: Chamberlain VD, Carlson JB, Young MJ (eds) Songs from the sky: indigenous astronomical and cosmological traditions of the world. Ocarina Books/Center for Archaeoastronomy, Bognor Regis/College Park, pp 320–335. Also Archaeoastronomy: Journal of the Center for Archaeoastronomy (1996) 12–13:320–335
5. Ammarell G (2008) Indigenous astronomical knowledge of the Indo-Malay archipelago. In: Selin H (ed) Encyclopaedia of the history of non-western science: natural sciences, technology and medicine, rev edn. Springer, Heidelberg/Berlin, pp 324–333