1. “Policy Statement on Aggregate Availability”, Internal Memorandum, National Crushed Stone Association, Silver Spring, MD, January 1975.
2. J.J. Emery, and S.K. Change, “Trends in the Utilization of Wastes for Highway Construction”, Proceedings, Fourth Mineral Waste Utilization Symposium, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL, (1974).
3. W. Gutt, “Aggregates from Waste Materials”, Chemistry and Industry, (London), 49:439 (1972).
4. C.R. Marek, B.M. Callaway, and R.E. Long, “Look at Processed Rubble — It’s a Valuable Source of Aggregates”, Roads and Streets, 114:82 (1971).
5. C.R. Marek, “Supplemental Aggregates for Construction”, Journal of Materials, 7:50 (1972).