1. Highway Research Record;AD Buck,1973
2. S. Frondistou-Yannas, “Waste Concrete as Aggregate for New Concrete,” American Concrete Institute Journal, 74:8, pp. 373–376, August 1977.
3. A. D. Buck, “Recycled Concrete as a Source of Aggregate,” American Concrete Institute Journal, 74:5, pp. 212–219, May 1977.
4. P. J. Nixon, “Recycled Concrete as an Aggregate for Concrete-A Review,” Materials and Structures, 11:65, pp. 371–378, September 1978.
5. R.-R. Schulz, “Recycling on Concrete,” Betonwerk Fertigteil-Technik, 44:9, pp. 492–497, September 1978.