1. Methodology, and the Philosophy of Science, Stanford University;JR Bücht,1960
2. J. R. Büchi, Weak Second Order Arithmetic and Finite Automata, Zeitschrift für Mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik 6 (1960), S. 66–92.
3. University of Michigan Research Institute Technical Report;JR Büchi,1959
4. Büchi, Elgot and Wright, The Non-existence of Certain Algorithms of Finite Automata Theory, Abstract, Notices of the American Mathematical Society 5 (1958), S. 98.
5. A. W. Burks and J. B. Wright, Sequence Generators and Digital Computers, Proceedings, Symposium on Recursive Functions, Am. Math. Soc., New York 1961.