1. Allen, J. M., (ed.). 1967. Molecular Organization and Biological Function. Harper and Row, New York, 243 pp.
2. Allen, M. B., and Kramer (eds.). 1972. Nutrients in Natural Waters. Wiley, New York, 457 pp.
3. Asimov, I. 1963. The Human Body, Its Structure and Operation. The New American Library, New York, 320 pp.
4. Asimov, I. 1964. The Intelligent Man’s Guide to the Biological Sciencc t. Washington Square Press, New York, 402 pp.
5. Baer, A. S., W. E. Hazen, D. L. Jameson, and W. C. Sloan. 1971. Central Concepts of Biology. Macmillan, New York, 385 pp.