1. R. Hagedorn, Suppl. Nuovo Cimento 3 (1965) 147; 6 (1968) 3116; see also Thermodynamics of Strong Interactions CERN 71-12 (1971).
2. See Eq. R. Hagedorn and J. Rafelski in Proceedings Statistical Mechanics of Quarks and Hadrons, Edited by H. Satz, North-Holland Publishing Company, (1981) 303-318.
3. For the compilation of the recent LGT results see Eq. J. Fingberg, U. Heller and F. Karsch, Nucl. Phys. B392 (1993) 493.
4. H. Satz, in Proceedings of the ECFA Workshop on Large Hadron Collider, Aachen, Germany, 1990, edited by G. Jarlskog and D. Rein (CERN Report No. 90-10, Geneve, 1990) Vol.I,p.188; in Proceedings of QM’91, Nucl. Phys. A (proc. Suppl.), edited by T.C. Awes, F.E. Obenshain, F. Plasil, M.R. Strayer and C.Y. Wong (to appear).
5. L.D. McLerran and T. Toimela, Phys. Rev. D31 (1985) 545.